A Typical Coaching Session
Please come to our sessions having thought about what you most want coaching around. I don't know what you need --- that's your job. Five minutes before our session get still, slow down, and ask yourself what you would most like support with or to cover that week.
First we'll do a bit of catch up. Even though you've answered your weekly journal questions, things can change in an instant and I'll still want to know what's most on your mind in that moment. We’ll get centered and I'll ask what you think would make our session amazing and/or what question you'd most like to find an answer to during our time together.
I'll ask questions. Lots of questions. Remember - the answers you're looking for are within you. My job is to create a container for you to best access those insights. I will wear many hats during our work together - partner, guide, reflector, brainstormer, thought partner, contractor, teacher, and more.
When we talk, don't be afraid of silence. It is a powerful, beautiful place where you can best spot new thinking, fresh insight, a-ha moments and what you most need to hear in that moment (trust me. It'll come from you, not me.)
Our session will last up to 45 minutes and will end when you feel complete, which could happen at any time! We'll round things out with a reflection on your learning during our time together and an assignment (experiment!) for you to bring into your week.
And remember: our sessions are only one part of your Unlimited Coaching support. The real work happens BETWEEN our calls when you're out living your life. I encourage you to keep a pocket journal handy to record new insights that come up and "data" from your experiments that week.