The Niching Compass is allowing and aligned and is where I learned to trust myself again and quit looking outside for advice and approval.

I began the Niching Compass feeling conflicted and scattered. I know what it feels like to love the work I do and I did not have that feeling about building a coaching practice. I kept telling myself I needed to brainwash myself into doing the work, and that if I was good at self-coaching, this wouldn’t be a problem. I believed that there was something wrong with me because I couldn’t convince myself to enjoy entrepreneurship. I thought my success was essential to prove I had what it takes to be an entrepreneur but I didn’t want to give funnels, ads and free mini-sessions my time - however, I wasn’t willing to give up because I thought that success (or failure) reflected in my value as a human being.

I was looking for someone to give me permission to do things differently, or not do it at all. Turns out, I was that person. I just needed to learn to love and trust myself enough to say those things out loud, to stop fearing judgement, to not be told my mindset is just “wrong” and I need to coach myself better. Allegra provided that safe place.

The Niching Compass is allowing and aligned and is where I learned to trust myself again and quit looking outside for advice and approval. Allegra not only made it okay to be me, she made the “me” part so important that I learned to own it and take pride in it.

The Niching Compass removes all the “should do” and then provides the buffet of “could do” so that each individual coach can move forward with their “wants to do” based on their inner compass.

To the coach who is confused. The coach who is forcing themself to suffer through to meet self imposed deadlines. The coach who loves helping people but doesn’t love the structure of business. The coach who feels on the edge of burnout. To the coach who just doesn’t feel like they can be themself as they practice - the Niching Compass is for you.

Working with Allegra is like being given a choice of paths up the mountain and being reassured that no matter which one you pick, one foot in front of the other will lead you to the top.

Dana Basten,