The Niching Compass

The Niching Compass


3 months of coaching for 3 coaches who are ready to…

  • uncover your unique coaching identity and style

  • find clarity around what others need most that you do best

  • design a coaching practice aligned with the way you work and your preferred lifestyle

  • start taking action in your practice via a Niching Project that is perfect for YOU

And answer the questions…

  • What is my coaching identity and style? How do I stand out in this sea of coaches?

  • What could my coaching practice look like?

  • How do I describe to others what makes me such an awesome coach?

  • Where can people find out more about me and my work?

  • What kinds of clients am I most likely to “click” with?

  • Where do I begin!?

  • How do I work with people right now?

  • Who do I want to work with in this season of my practice?

  • What is the path that is right for me?

  • How do I articulate why my clients should choose me to be on their team?

  • How can I spend time on my practice in a way that energizes me?

  • What differentiates me?


Because the answers you’re looking for are not going to come from some coaching expert.

The answers are going to come from you.


What happens in those 3 months?

  • Month 1: using your YouMap profile, uncover and learn how to communicate your Strengths, Values, Preferred Skills and personality based Interests to your audience and future clients; use this deepened self-awareness to confidently craft and embrace your unique place in the coaching ecosystem and how you want to build your practice.

  • Month 2: Start playing with the moving parts of your practice - the Who and the How - and design a Niche Coaching Project you want to experiment with.

  • Month 3: Put it all together and get in to action. Knowing you have my Unlimited coaching support, get out into the coaching world. Deliver. Experiment. Play.

Each month will include weekly sessions (exact day & time TBD based on group availability / weekdays between 9-3 EST) plus Unlimited Coaching between sessions via email, 1:1 laser sessions, and Voxer.

I am so grateful I’m in this program at this time so that I have something productive to focus on. You are a very centered and grounded person and the more that I interact with you the more I can see why I was drawn to you. You are the perfect coach for me.
— Penny Gambill

Why 3 coaches?

I love to build deep relationships with each one of my clients. At the same time, because this is a program for coaches and I know how valuable it can be to work in a group of people on a similar journey who can offer valuable perspective and shared experience, I wanted to create a small group to work with. After leading multiple cohorts I know it is the perfect number.

I also love alliteration, and “three months:three coaches” feels quite lovely.

Want to be a part of a future cohort? Schedule a Discovery Call below.