Peregrine Creative Consulting

Peregrine is the creative consulting arm of my practice, designed to support leaders and teams who want big ideas now and to ensure they're solving the right problems first.

As a veteran teacher, facilitator, workshop designer, and coach, I bring a wealth of experience, innovative techniques, and a passion for creative problem-solving to every session I facilitate. My approach includes:

  • Customized Workshops: Tailored to meet the unique needs of your team and goals.

  • Collaborative Facilitation: Encouraging diverse perspectives to generate innovative solutions.

  • Strategic Problem-Solving: Ensuring you address the right problems with effective strategies.

  • Continuous Improvement: Integrating creative problem-solving into your ongoing processes.

I am particularly enthusiastic about working with non-profits, community groups, arts programs, and organizations looking to enhance their brainstorming sessions and bring structure and clarity to their problem-solving meetings.

To connect and discuss your project, click the button below.