Embracing Your Gifts for Greater Success: Why Some People Resist Doing Things the Easy Way
Have you ever noticed that when you work within your natural strengths and abilities, things seem to flow more easily and feel more enjoyable?
When you work in alignment with your unique gifts and talents, you are able to tap into your natural flow and make the most of your time and energy.
However, it's not uncommon for people to resist the idea of things being easy. In our society, we often glorify hard work, hustle culture, and the idea of working through pain and struggle in order to achieve success.
We may view ease and comfort as lazy or unproductive, leading us to believe that the harder we work, the better the outcome.
One of the benefits of working within your YouMap® - a reflection of your strengths, values, skills and interests - is that things become easier, more aligned, more sustainable, and more fun.
I once worked with a client who, when presented with the possibility of an easier path forward, expressed concern that if it was too easy, it wouldn't be their best work.
This mindset can be a barrier to embracing our gifts and finding greater success through alignment with our natural strengths.
If you find yourself or your clients resistant to the idea of doing things in a way that comes most naturally, it may be worth taking some time to explore the underlying beliefs and values that are driving this resistance.
It's possible that a worldview centered on the belief that hard work is the only path to success is getting in the way of embracing the power of ease and flow.
As a coach, it's important to be aware of these potential barriers and work with clients to uncover and challenge any limiting beliefs that may be holding them back.
By helping them embrace their unique gifts and find ways to work with greater ease and flow, they can achieve greater productivity and accomplishment.