The Whiteboard Session for coaches

A week long coaching and mentorship partnership designed to help you cut through stuckness and overwhelm and map out next steps of your Coaching and Marketing Projects.



What is a Whiteboard Session?

Whiteboard Sessions put ideas in your mind into existence on the board
— Stella Yoon

The Whiteboard Session is your opportunity to slow down, zoom out, and get some fresh perspective, insight, and a ton of new ideas for your coaching practice. You’ll experience a 1 1/2 - 2 HOUR deep dive Coaching Session mapped out over my trusty Whiteboard, a week of unlimited Voxer support as you apply and take action on the insights that emerge from our session, and a follow up 30 minute session to fine tune next steps.

It is NOT another program, course, or list of strategies to add to your to-do list. In fact, this conversation is the OPPOSITE of "more stuff to do". It's a place for you to sort through "all of the things" and zoom OUT from everything you have on your plate.

The unique, visual nature of this session will result in a one-of-a-kind thought map that will allow you to explore the big picture of your thinking in a way that is oftentimes difficult to see when you're in your own head.

As a result you will experience clarity, clear steps, new ideas, and a renewed sense of forward motion.

A snapshot of your finished thought-map will immediately be texted and emailed to you for reflection, review, and continued inspiration.



These are the nuts and bolts of the partnership. What you DO with these resources is what’s going to make the partnership a valuable one - let’s explore those details on a Discovery Call.

  • Your unique, top-five Strengths profile (via Gallup) and Values assessment, reviewed and applied during our session together.

  • A 1 1/2 - 2 hour, deep dive coaching and mentoring session via Zoom. All of your insights, ideas and next steps will be mapped out across a big Whiteboard during our session and shared with you via email and text immediately after our call.

  • ONE WEEK of Unlimited Coaching support on Voxer as you integrate and apply the ideas that emerge during our session

  • A follow up 30 minute session to fine tune next steps.

  • 1 month membership in Misfit to Maverick for continued support ($150 value)

  • Investment: $750

Next Steps

This partnership is only as valuable as what it can help you do and create in your own coaching practice. Let’s chat first to see if it’s a fit and brainstorm what we could work on together before you decide if you’d like to sign on. Click below to schedule that call.


A Whiteboard Session is the perfect fit if... 

Whiteboard Sessions help with...

Whiteboard Sessions help with...



Susan, after an overwhelming first year of coaching, let herself focus on what SHE wants to create next. After getting sucked into comparisonitis and niche drama, she was ready to look forward again and took this time to lay the groundwork for her big vision, explore the fine details, and get super honest and vulnerable about what she believes is holding her back.


Tina realized that she'd been living from a place of "should" for a long time rather than letting herself relax into what she WANTS to do and create in her coaching practice. Through a combination of brainstorming and reframing she was able to see new possibilities in the next season of her work.



Julia used her Whiteboard Session to explore a new idea she had for a coaching experience she wants to experiment with. She walked away from the Whiteboard Session with a Date/Time/Place mapped out and solid micro-action plan for next steps. Within the week was extending invitations and get her first “yes”.


Dani found clarity around what was REALLY standing in her way and walked away with microactions to start moving forward again.  Over the course of the session she realized that the coaching path she had been following wasn’t the right fit for her Strengths - together we brainstormed more aligned, creative options.



Case Studies