Over six years of privately coaching creatives and high achievers on the cusp of taking action towards their Big Ideas and Dreams I have developed a deeply ingrained sense of what can happen when people are given this Space: clarity, contentment, creativity and centeredness all reemerge, resulting in reduced overwhelm, increased confidence and belief in oneself, and a powerful plan for next steps.
I have coached many amazing women through many different circumstances of life. Some have been founders who want support in finding balance and self-awareness while maintaining the level of their amazing work; some have been in periods of tremendous transition, through relocation or career shifts; others have simply needed a kickstart to take action on a big, dreamy idea they’d been sitting on… I LOVE THEM ALL!
This work helps solve the problems of confusion, inaction, and uncertainty. Through learning powerful tools of self-awareness, thought-management, emotional literacy and creative action planning my clients to support experience increased Awareness AND deliberate, invigorating Action.